Good stable vps hosting in Ukraine with php, mysql

Choosing a domain name

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Select zones for domain name search

Our prices if you need to buy a domain for site

.pl 25.00 $
.com 19.00 $
.digital 33.00 $
.city 22.00 $
.ca 22.00 $ 13.00 $
.info 20.99 $
.mobi 27.00 $
.de 22.00 $
.net 18.00 $
.biz 23.00 $
.im 60.00 $ 10.00 $
.tel 16.00 $
.us 15.00 $
.name 17.00 $
.org 18.50 $
.eu 65.00 $
.cz 37.00 $
.agency 29.00 $ 13.50 $ 6.00 $ 11.00 $ 12.00 $

Domain name registration

Domain registration - service of buying/registering domain name (website name) for 1 year. At the end of the domain registration period, it needs to be renewed at the registrar through whom you purchased the domain. Usually, domain renewal price is the same as registration price in the chosen domain zone. We register domain in all popular domain zones, such as com, net, info,, ru, org and many others. If you can not find the needed domain zone on our website - please contact the tech support and find out about the opportunity to have the registration of domains in the desired zone.

Why should you register a domain name for your project on our website?

By registering the domains with us, you can save up on the price, receive a fast and qualified tech support ,that can always answer all your questions. At any time, you can transfer your domains to third parties and to any other registrar if needed. And you will have no problems, such as certified by a notary letters (unless domain zone rules require it) etc. We have been on the IT services market for over 8 years, which again proves we are responsible and experienced. 

Using our control panel you can easily enter the domain`s DNS, transfer it to any hosting you choose or you want to change. You can also move domains to us from other registrars, often this gives you a good price and have advantages of our tech support for website hosting, that is always ready to help you with domain related issues, and hosting, if you choose to use our hosting services. 

Register domain name for the website at lower price.

By registering a large amount of domains (10 and more) on Goodhoster.NET You will have discounts, as we appreciate our loyal customers and keep making our domain registration service better and better. Our clients would help in creating a convenient service to manage their domains by asking questions.

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