Free CMS setup
Even if you have no programming skills you can create a website. We will help you to install CMS (Content management system) for free. When your order is processed and activated well be able to help you with CMS installation for free, which are listed below.
After the installation process you are getting fully functional website. Please contact with us and we will consult you regarding the package which will meet your needs.
Content Management
Customer Relationship
Discussion Boards
Hosting Billing
Image Galleries
Mailing Lists
Polls and Surveys
Project Management
Site Builders
Other Scripts
PHP - a popular scripting programming language which is used for creation of dynamic websites.
Linux — the general name of the Unix-like operating systems based on the kernel of the same name. The kernel of Linux is created and extends according to model of development of the free and open software.
MySQL - a popular free database management system. SQL (Structured Query Language) — language of the structured inquiries.
Django - a free popular framework in the Python language.
PHPMyAdmin — the web application with an open code written in the PHP language and representing the web interface for administration of MySQL DBMS.
KVM — realization of technology of virtualization at the level of an operating system which is based on Linux kernel.
SSH — the network protocol of applied level allowing to make remote management of an operating system and tunneling of TCP connections.
ISPmanager — the commercial control panel an account of a hosting and the software on the server.
cPanel — popular, is checked by time the commercial control panel an account of a hosting and the server.
PostgreSQL — the free object and relational database management system (DBMS).