SSH («Secure SHell») – network protocol for managing the data and operating system on the remote computer, execution of commands on it, also can be used for tunneling TCP-connections. SSH using different encryption algorithm encrypts all traffic including transmitted passwords.
- What is ssh?
Do you grant ssh access?
SSH access is a service that is payed for on shared-серверах. You can view the cost in the additional services. Ordering VPS and leasing dedicated server, full ssh access of superuser is provided for free.
How can i connect to the server using ssh?
To connect to the server through ssh, if ssh-access is provided for the account, you can using ssh-client. For Windows OS you can use Putty or WinSCP. In Linux ssh client is installed be default and connects executing the command:
ssh username@hostname (enter password).
username – this is your user\log in of the administration panel.
hostname – this can be IP address of the server or domain name, that is directed to it.